© 2025 OntoVR - Terms

Only a 3-Step Plan

During the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen a remarkable
shift in how consumers interact with businesses.

With effects sure to last it is imperative that all businesses
ensure they are showcasing their compliance with safety and
regulations to potential customers.
Social distancing and quarantine may be the new norm,
but that is no reason to miss touring your favorite shops.

From virtual trips to virtual classrooms, the prominence
of a virtual presence is greater than ever before.

We would like everybody to be able to deliver their audience
a memorable experience. This new medium requires a brand
new set of guidelines and workflow.

Feel free to register and try it out.

Livingstone Sport Duo XL
Garbi Hotel Ibiza
AirBnB - JoBaV - 4
AirBnB - Parking
AirBnB - JoBaV - 0
AirBnB - JoBaV - 1
AirBnB - JoBaV - 3
Wellington Golf
test embed
Te gast bij Hubert Minnebo
Welcome in Koru Hotel
Livingstone Sport Duo XL
Garbi Hotel Ibiza
AirBnB - JoBaV - 4
AirBnB - Parking
AirBnB - JoBaV - 0
AirBnB - JoBaV - 1
AirBnB - JoBaV - 3
Wellington Golf
test embed
Te gast bij Hubert Minnebo
Welcome in Koru Hotel